Time Management

What is time for you?
Is it something you can grab, something you can hold?
Is it a gift, a burden or just something to measure how long something exists?
Many people for sure have different understanding about time. Although time for all is equal. Time is standardized in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years and so on. But sometimes, seconds feel like years and years feel like seconds. If we do things we like and enjoy, time seems to fly. And if we do things we do not want to do or even hate, it takes so long until the task is over.
You only have 24 hours per day. That is a rule you cannot change.
If you want to know how to increase the efficiency in the time you spend every day, you need to understand what (or who) is "stealing" your time.
What are those time thieves?
How can you locate them?
How can you analyze them and, most important, how can you eliminate them?

By practicing what you learn from this seminar, you will become more efficient at work and in private life. You will finish tasks in shorter time with better results, because you will understand

  • your own working behavior,
  • what is stealing your time,
  • what disturbs you,
  • how your energy flows and,
  • which tools you can use to manage yourself.

    This seminar will help you understanding, how to identify your daily time thieves and how to reduce or eliminate them, how to implement useful daily habits and how to set priorities.

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